
Welcome fellow performer to the 5-Day STAGE FRIGHT Solution online course—the simple, effective approach to finding your way beyond stage fright.

We're excited to have you join our community of individuals dedicated to enhancing their performance skills by taming their performance anxiety.

Throughout the course, you'll learn practical techniques and strategies to manage your nerves. You'll also find support through engaging content and interactive exercises designed to transform your approach to this needless menace.

Fully embrace this opportunity to tame your stage fright and more fully become the performer you aspire to be!


Getting Started

I want to get you up and running with the 5-Day Solution with as little fuss as possible. There are a few things for you to know.

Weekly Sections

All sections of the 5-Day Solution begin on a Monday.

Upon enrollment, you will be assigned to the section starting on Monday of the coming week. Each section is named according to the week number in which it begins. For instance, if your course started on Monday, January 29, 2024, you'd be pwart of the Week 5 section. If it started on Monday, August 19, 2024, you'd be part of the Week 34 section. 


We manually assign participants to course sections. You'll receive information about your specific section as soon as its been prepared. Regardless of the section you are placed in, you can expect to begin the main part of the course on the Monday following your enrollment.

Let's Get Started!

You may have noticed that I just said "main part of the course." That's because, in addition to the five days of the 5-Day Solution, I have a Day 0 lesson to help you get ready to hit the ground running on Monday. I call it Day 0, and you can 


Day 0

In the Day 0 lesson, I:

  • introduce you to the structure and features of the course
  • invite you to join the all-important Members Forum
  • Briefly consider mindfulness
  • Help you identify the ways and extent that stage fright is a problem for you
  • Take a quick look at each day of the 5-Day Solutin

Day 0 is so important that the system won't let you begin Day 1 until you complete it.

Let's Get Started!

You can start on Day 0 immediately, or come back to work on it later. (It should take less than hour to complete.)

When you're ready to start, you'll find the link to Day 0 in the main menu at the top of the page once you've logged into this portal. 🙂

See you in the Day 0 lesson!

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